
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Recent alumnus Frank Cirillo has written an article in response to White House chief of staff John Kelly's statement that the Civil War happened because of a "failure to compromise." Read it here.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A full video of October 11th's "A Recent History of the Alt-Right" conversation with Jamelle Bouie (Slate Magazine), Dahlia Lithwick (Slate Magazine), and Nicole Hemmer (Washington Post and Miller Center) is now available here.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Prof. Balogh has written an Op-Ed for the Washington Post about the Health Care debate. Read it here, "Donald Trump wants Association Health Plans’ to replace Obamacare. But are associations good for the nation’s health?"

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Is taking a knee—the intersection of sports, politics and race—a “new” thing? Jennifer Keitt, talks with Brian Balogh about the current war being waged as athletes “take a knee” and once again the colliding of sports, politics and race in America. Listen here.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Professor Brian Balogh spoke to NPR's Jeremy Hobson about the gun control debate from the early days of the American republic. Listen to the segment here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

On October 10, the History Department held a panel on non-academic and non-tenure track jobs. Guest speakers all received their PhDs in a humanities field, and work in a non-academic or non-tenure track position: Matthew Gibson, Executive Director, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities; Ed Barnaby, Senior Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs, Arts & Sciences; Nicole Hemmer, Assistant Professor, Miller Center; Eric Brandt, Assistant Director and Editor-in-Chief, University of Virginia Press; James Graham Wilson, Historian, U.S. Department of State; Holly White, Digital Projects Communications Coordinator, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture; and Brian Balogh, Professor of History, University of Virginia Corcoran Department of History; Professor at the Miller Center; "Twentieth-Century History Guy" at BackStory Radio. 

View video of the panel here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Congratulations to Professor Erik Linstrum, whose book, Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire (Harvard, 2016 )has won the American Historical Association's 2017 George Louis Beer Prize for the best book in European international history since 1895! Read more about the prize here.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Professor Melvyn Leffler has written an article for USA Today about corporate taxes and a piece for Foreign Policy on the Trump administration's first year of policy. Read the articles here: "Corporate Tax Cuts Are Crazy: We Need More Money, Not Less," " The Worst 1st Year of Foreign Policy Ever."

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Professor Neeti Nair has written and essya on Gandhi for Huffington Post India, read it here.

Monday, October 9, 2017

BackStory kicked off UVa's Bicenntenial Celebration this past weekend with a sold out show at the Paramount Theater. Watch it here.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences has a featured article about the recent publications of Department historians, including PhD alum Brian Rosenwald's blog for the Washington Post. Read the article, Historians’ Scholarship Making Headlines.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Professor Brian Balogh and his collaborator, Ed Ayers, spoke to NPR's Jeremy Hobson about the intersection of sports, race, and politics in US history on Here & Now. Listen to their interview here: The Long History of Sports, Race and Politics in America.

Friday, September 15, 2017

On Tuesday, September 12, Drs. Elizabeth Varon, Gary Gallagher, and John Mason spoke to the UVa community about the role of history and memory in the Charlottesville Civil War memorial statues in light of the events of August 11-12, 2017. Watch a video of their talks here. Audio of the lively Q&A session that followed is forthcoming.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Professor Brian Balogh has spoken to Here & Now's Jeremy Hobson about how presidents have often made controversial moves while public attention is focused elsewhere. Listen here, How Presidents Use Distractions To Get Things Done.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wes Gobar, a Fourth-Year in the History Department's Distinguished Major Program has written a piece for the Washington Post on the events of August 12 and White supremacy. Read it here, "This IS us: Charlottesville represented something distinctly American. White supremacy."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Graduate Students Sophie Abramowitz, Eva Latterner, and Gillet Rosenblith wrote a piece for The Slate on Charlottesville city planning and Confederate commemorations. Read the article, "Tools of Displacement: How Charlottesville, Virginia’s Confederate statues helped decimate the city’s historically successful black communities."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Professor Andrew Kahrl has written a piece for the Washington Post on Hurricane Irma's impact on coastal Florida. Read it here, "The cost of coastal capitalism: How greedy developers left Miami ripe for destruction."

Monday, September 11, 2017

Professor Brian Balogh recently interviewed former George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove for BackStory. Listen to the episode here.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
We Demand

We Demand, a short film directed by Kevin Everson and Claudrena Harold, is screening at MIT’s List Visual Arts Center until October 29th as part of its Civil Disobedience exhibit. The daily screenings are 12:30.

We Demand tells the story of the anti-Vietnam War Movement from the perspective of James R. Roebuck, a northern-born African American graduate student who studied history at  the University of Virginia during the late 1960s\ early 1970s. Over a week-long period of student upheaval following the Kent State murders, Roebuck, the first African American president of UVA’s Student Council, confronted a series of political challenges as the University appeared on the verge of imploding from within.

For more on the exhibit see

Monday, September 4, 2017

Professor Justene Hill was interviewed by NPR’s Neal Conan for his new podcast “Truth, Politics and Power.” Listen here. She appears toward the podcast. 
