*Students are able to check their degree progress in SIS. Please check in SIS under Academic Advisement before reaching out to the Graduate Coordnator about your degree progress. For instructions, please visit UVA's ITS webpage on SIS. GSAS indicates that the form is a Graduate School of Arts & Sciences form and not a department form.*
Graduate Student Milestones
Year 1
By October 1st:
- Advisor Form (MA/PhD)
- Language Plan Form (MA/PhD)
- If you do not need a language plan have your advisor write N/A
- Fields of Study Form (PhD)
By May 1st:
MA Essay Approval Form (MA/PhD)
Year 2
By graduation deadline:
(Nov. 30 for fall semester / Apr. 30th for spring semester / Jul. 31st for summer semester)
Final Exam Form (MA/En-Route MA for PhD) *The thesis title on your Final Exam form MUST match the thesis title of the document you upload to LIBRA.*
- Terminal MA students can submit the Final Exam Form. (GSAS)
- En-route MA students must first submit the Degree Request form to inform GSAS you intend to gradute with an en route MA that semester. Then you can complete the Final Exam Form. (GSAS)
- Submit Thesis to LIBRA (MA/En-Route MA for PhD)
- You will receive an automated email after you submit your final exam form to upload your thesis to LIBRA. If you need assistance, please contact the LIBRA department at libra@virginia.edu / 434-924-3021.
Year 3
By end of fall semester:
- Schedule written/oral comp exams with Graduate Coordinator by email
- Please schedule your comp exams by the end of the fall semester even if you do not take your exams until the spring semester. Comp exams should be completed by the end of the spring semester.
- Written Comprehensive Evaluation Form
- Send to your comittee after you have taken your final written exam
- Oral Comprehensive Evaluation Form
- Send to you committee after you have completed your oral exam
By July 15th:
ABD Status (All But Dissertation)
- Dissertation Committee Form
- Dissertation Defense Scheduling Form
- Final Exam Form (GSAS) *The dissertation title on your Final Exam form MUST match the dissertation title of the document you upload to LIBRA.*
- Submit Dissertation to LIBRA
- You will receive an automated email after you submit your final exam form to upload your dissertation to LIBRA. If you need assistance, please contact the LIBRA department at libra@virginia.edu / 434-924-3021.
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (GSAS)
Other Forms
CHANGE Dissertation Committee Form
Graduate Equilvalent Form (HIST 9960) - This form is used for graduate students requesting to take an undergraduate course for graduate credit.