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Department Contacts

Thomas KlubockProfessor and Chair;

Cong (Ellen) ZhangAssociate Professor and Associate Chair;

Chris Gratien, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies;

Andrew Kahrl, Professor and Director of Graduate Admissions;

Jennifer Sessions, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies;

Joshua White, Associate Professor and Director of the Distinguished Majors Program; | (Interim Director of DMP Program, 2024-2025, Kyrill Kunakhovich)

S. Deborah Kang, Professor and Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;

Karleen Kovalcik, Department Finance and Administration Manager;

Latricia Washington, Graduate and Undergraduate Coordinator;

Carol Brown, Senior Fiscal and Administrative Coordinator;

Nicole JonesAdministrative Coordinator;

Tim Dunne, Local Support Partner (LSP);

Department Address

The history department is located in Nau Hall on the South Lawn behind New Cabell Hall. Our main office is on the third floor and is accessible directly from the bridge across Jefferson Park Ave.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 400180
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4180

Physical Address:
1540 Jefferson Park Ave
323 Nau Hall Charlottesville, VA 22903