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Course List for Pre- and Post-1700 Major Requirement
*These lists indicate which courses in our catalog have been coded into SIS to count towards the pre- and post-1700 major requirement. To inquire about other history courses, please contact our Director of Undergraduate Programs.
Pre-1700 Courses
HIAF 2001 Early African History
HIEA 2011 History of Chinese Civilization
HIEA 2073 Japan to 1868: An Historical Introduction
HIEA 2081 Korea: Antiquity through the 12th Century
HIEA 2091 Korean Civilization to 1900
HIEA 3111 China to the Tenth Century
HIEU 1501 Introductory Seminar in Pre-1700 European History
HIEU 2001 Western Civilization I
HIEU 2031 Ancient Greece
HIEU 2041 Roman Republic and Empire
HIEU 2051 Economic History of Europe
HIEU 2061 The Birth of Europe
HIEU 2071 Early Modern Europe and the World
HIEU 2101 Jewish History I: The Ancient and Medieval Experience
HIEU 2111 England, Britain, Empire, 1500-1800
HIEU 2721 Supernatural Europe, 1500-1800
HIEU 3021 Greek and Roman Warfare
HIEU 3041 The Fall of the Roman Republic
HIEU 3051 History and Civilization of France: Revolution to 1945
HIEU 3091 Ancient Law and Society
HIEU 3101 Early Medieval Civilization
HIEU 3111 Later Medieval Civilization
HIEU 3121 Medieval Society: Ways of Life and Thought in Western Europe
HIEU 3131 The World of Charlemagne
HIEU 3141 Age of Conquests: Britain from the Romans to the Normans (43-1066)
HIEU 3151 Medieval Iberia, 411-1469
HIEU 3181 Medieval Christianity
HIEU 3215 Dante's Italy
HIEU 3221 The Culture of the Renaissance
HIEU 3231 Reformation Europe
HIEU 3271 Three Faiths, One Sea: The Early Modern Mediterranean
HIEU 3291 Stuart England
HIEU 3311 Social History of Early Modern Europe
HIEU 3321 The Scientific Revolution, 1450-1700
HIEU 3471 English Legal History to 1776
HIEU 3851 History of London
HIEU 4501 Seminar in Pre-1700 European History
HIEU 4511 Colloquium in Pre-1700 European History
HIEU 4591 Topics in Pre-1700 European History
HIEU 5001 Dark Age Greece
HIEU 5011 Late Archaic Greece
HIEU 5013 The Early Medieval Mediterranean
HIEU 5021 Greece in the Fifth Century
HIEU 5031 Greece in the Fourth Century
HIEU 5051 Roman Empire
HIEU 5061 Roman Imperialism
HIEU 5063 Late Antiquity AD 235-410
HIEU 5871 Early Modern Europe Seminar
HILA 2001 Colonial Latin America, 1500-1824
HILA 3071 History of Colonial Brazil
HILA 4701 The Inquisition in Spain and Latin America
HIME 2001 The Making of the Islamic World
HIME 2003 Economic History of the Islamic World
HIME 3192 From Nomads to Sultans: the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1700
HIME 3195 Arabian Seas: Islam, Trade and Empire in the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean
HIME 5053 Slavery in the Middle East and Ottoman Empire
HISA 2001 History and Civilization of Classical India
HISA 2002 History and Civilization of Medieval India
HISA 5021 Historiography of Early Modern South Asia
HIST 2001 Global History
HIST 2060 History of Christianity II
HIST 2150 Global Environmental History
HIST 2152 Climate History
HIST 2212 Maps in World History
HIUS 3150 Salem Witch Trials: History and Literature
MSP 3501 Exploring the Middle Ages
MSP 3559 New Course in Medieval Studies
MSP 4559 New Course in Medieval Studies
MSP 4995 Capstone Project in Medieval Studies
Post-1700 Courses
HIAF 2002 Modern African History
HIAF 3021 History of Southern Africa
HIAF 3031 History of the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
HIAF 3051 West African History
HIAF 3091 Africa in World History
HIAF 3112 African Environmental History
HIEA 2031 Modern China
HIEA 2072 Modern Japanese Culture and Politics
HIEA 2101 Modern Korean History: One Peninsula, Two Paths
HIEA 3112 Late Imperial China
HIEA 3141 Political and Social Thought in Modern China
HIEA 3162 Historical China and the World
HIEA 3171 Meiji Japan
HIEA 3172 The Japanese Empire
HIEA 3211 Japan's Economic Miracle
HIEA 3221 Japan's Political History
HIEA 3311 Peasants, Students and Women: Social Movement in Twentieth-Century China
HIEA 3321 China and the Cold War
HIEA 3323 China and the United States
HIEA 5050 International History of East Asia
HIEA 5052 China and the World: From Empire to Nation
HIEA 5151 Mao and the Chinese Revolution
HIEU 1502 Introductory Seminar in Post-1700 European History
HIEU 2002 Western Civilization II
HIEU 2004 Nationalism in Europe
HIEU 2072 Modern Europe and the World
HIEU 2102 Modern Jewish History
HIEU 2112 Britain since 1688: From the Glorious Revolution to Brexit
HIEU 2121 France in the Age of Revolutions, 1789-1871
HIEU 2152 History of the Russian Empire 1700-1917
HIEU 2162 History of Russia Since 1917
HIEU 2212 Contemporary Europe
HIEU 3000 Modern European Imperialism
HIEU 3002 Queer European History
HIEU 3152 The British Empire and the Making of the Modern World
HIEU 3312 Europe at War, 1939-45: Occupation, Genocide, Resistance
HIEU 3342 Society and the Sexes in Europe from the Seventeenth Century to the Present
HIEU 3352 Modern German History
HIEU 3372 German Jewish Culture and History
HIEU 3382 Revolutionary France, 1770-1815
HIEU 3390 Nazi Germany
HIEU 3412 Twentieth-Century Europe
HIEU 3432 France Since 1815
HIEU 3442 European History: Industrial Revolution to the Welfare State 1848-1963
HIEU 3452 Jewish Culture and History in Eastern Europe
HIEU 3462 Neighbors and Enemies in Germany
HIEU 3472 Nineteenth Century Britain
HIEU 3492 The British Empire
HIEU 3502 History of Central Europe
HIEU 3505 History and Fiction, Topics
HIEU 3602 Twentieth Century Spain
HIEU 3604 The Holocaust on Film
HIEU 3612 Age of Reform and Revolution in Russia, 1855-1917
HIEU 3622 Russian Intellectual History in the 19th Century
HIEU 3670 The Fall of Communism: How the Soviet Empire Lost the Cold War
HIEU 3692 The Holocaust
HIEU 3695 The Holocaust and the Law
HIEU 3702 Russia as Multi-Ethnic Empire
HIEU 3712 Spanish Culture & Civilization
HIEU 3742 European Social History, 1890-1980
HIEU 3752 Evolution of the International System, 1815-1950
HIEU 3772 Science in the Modern World
HIEU 3782 Origins of Modern Thought, 1580-1943
HIEU 3802 Origins of Contemporary Thought
HIEU 3812 Marx
HIEU 4502 Seminar in Post-1700 European History
HIEU 4512 Colloquium in Post-1700 European History
HIEU 4592 Topics in Post-1700 European History
HIEU 5062 Philosophy and Theory of History
HIEU 5082 Modernity and History
HIEU 5302 Nationality, Ethnicity, and Race in Modern Europe
HIEU 5312 Era of the World Wars, 1914-1945
HIEU 5352 The British Economy Since 1850
HIEU 5662 Nineteenth-Century Russian Intellectual History
HIEU 5882 Modern Europe, 1750-1890
HIEU 5892 Europe since 1890
HILA 2002 Modern Latin America, 1824 to Present
HILA 3051 Modern Central America
HILA 3061History of Modern Brazil
HILA 3111 Public Life in Modern Latin America
HIME 2002 The Making of the Modern Middle East
HIME 2012 Israel/Palestine 1948
HIME 3571 Arab History at the Movies
HIME 5052 World War I in the Middle East
HISA 2003 History of Modern India
HISA 3003 Twentieth-Century South Asia
HISA 3004 India's Partition: Literature, Culture, Politics
HISA 3111 Social and Political Movements in Twentieth-Century India
HISA 3121 History of Women in South Asia
HISA 5101 Economic History of India
HIST 2002 The Modern World: Global History since 1760
HIST 2011 History of Human Rights
HIST 2012 History of Communism
HIST 2013 Why Did They Kill? Interpreting Genocide and Its Perpetrators
HIST 2210 Epidemics, Pandemics, and History
HIST 2213 Law and Sovereignty in World History
HIST 2214 The Cold War
HIST 3041 The British Empire in the 18th Century
HIST 3050 Modern Imperialism: The British and American Experience
HIST 3152 The Cold War, 1945-1990
HIST 3162 War and Society in the Twentieth Century
HIST 3201 History, Museums, and Interpretation
HIST 3281 Genocide
HIST 3300 Curating the Past: A History of Museums
HIST 3352 The First World War
HIST 3452 The Second World War
HIST 3611 Espionage and Intelligence in the 20th Century
HIST 3775 Americans in the Middle East
HIST 3854 Reasoning from History
HIST 4400 Topics in Economic History
HIST 4501 Major Seminar
HIST 4511 Major Colloquium
HIST 5001 Policy Design and Statecraft
HIST 5063 Theory and/of History: Recent Perspectives
HIST 5077 Pius XII, Hitler, the US and World War II
HIST 5130 Global Legal History
HIST 5621 Genocide
HIST 5920 History of Documentary Photography
HIUS 1501 Introductory Seminar in U.S. History
HIUS 1559 New Course in United States History (select topics)
HIUS 2001 American History to 1865
HIUS 2002 American History Since 1865
HIUS 2003 Slavery and Freedom at UVA and in Virginia: History and Legacies
HIUS 2051 United States Military History 1600-1900
HIUS 2052 America and War Since 1900
HIUS 2053 American Slavery
HIUS 2061 American Economic History
HIUS 2071 American Power and Energies - A History of the United States
HIUS 2401 History of American Catholicism
HIUS 2559 New Course in United States History (select topics)
HIUS 2711 American Environmental History
HIUS 3011 Colonial British America
HIUS 3031 The Era of the American Revolution
HIUS 3051 The Age of Jefferson and Jackson, 1789-1845
HIUS 3071 The Coming of the Civil War
HIUS 3072 The Civil War and Reconstruction
HIUS 3081 History of the American Deaf Community
HIUS 3131 The Emergence of Modern America, 1870-1930
HIUS 3132 Race, Gender, and Empire: Cultures of U.S. Imperialism
HIUS 3141 Civil Society in Twentieth Century U.S.
HIUS 3142 Viewing the South
HIUS 3151 Modernizing, Moralizing and Mass Politics: US, 1900-1945
HIUS 3161 Viewing America, 1940 to 1980
HIUS 3162 Digitizing America
HIUS 3171 US Since 1945: People, Politics, Power
HIUS 3172 America in Vietnam
HIUS 3173 The Vietnam War in American Film
HIUS 3191 American Jewish History
HIUS 3221 Hands-On Public History
HIUS 3231 Rise and Fall of the Slave South
HIUS 3232 The South in the Twentieth Century
HIUS 3261 History of the American West
HIUS 3262 Witnessing Slavery: Interpreting Slave Testimony in U.S. History
HIUS 3281 Virginia History to 1900
HIUS 3282 History of Virginia, 1900 to 2018
HIUS 3301 The History of UVa in the Twentieth Century
HIUS 3401 Development of American Science
HIUS 3411 American Business
HIUS 3451 History of Urban America
HIUS 3455 History of U.S. Foreign Relations to 1914
HIUS 3456 America in the World since 1914
HIUS 3471 History of American Labor
HIUS 3481 American Social History to 1870
HIUS 3482 United States Social History Since 1870
HIUS 3490 From Motown to Hip-Hop
HIUS 3491 Rural Poverty in Our Time
HIUS 3523 Disco and Disillusionment: The United States in the 1970s
HIUS 3559 New Course in United States History (select topics)
HIUS 3611 Gender & Sexuality in AM, 1600-1865
HIUS 3612 Gender & Sexuality in America, 1865 to Present
HIUS 3621 Coming of Age in America: A History of Youth
HIUS 3641 American Indian History
HIUS 3651 Afro-American History to 1865
HIUS 3652 Afro-American History since 1865
HIUS 3654 Black Fire
HIUS 3671 African American Freedom Movement, c 1945-Present
HIUS 3752 The History of Early American Law
HIUS 3753 The History of Modern American Law
HIUS 3756 American Legal Thought since 1880
HIUS 3851 Intellectual and Cultural History of the United States to 1865
HIUS 3852 Intellectual and Cultural History of the United States since 1865
HIUS 3853 From Redlined to Subprime: Race and Real Estate in the US
HIUS 4160 History Behind the Headlines
HIUS 4260 Voices of the Civil War
HIUS 4501 Seminar in United States History
HIUS 4511 Colloquium in United States History
HIUS 4559 New Course in United States History (select topics)
HIUS 4591 Topics in United States History
HIUS 4993 Independent Study in United States History
HIUS 5000 African-American History to 1877
HIUS 5022 Economic Culture in Early America
HIUS 5081 Turning Points in U.S. History: Micro-Analytic Methods
HIUS 5559 New Course in United States History (select topics)