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Placement Statistics and Analysis
These updated placement statistics reflect our best understanding about our PhD recipients as of May 2015. 133 Virginia history PhDs—just over half of all students awarded the doctorate from 1997 to 2015—have earned tenure-track or tenured academic jobs. Another 17 percent of graduates were employed as visiting assistant professors, non-tenure track lecturers and adjuncts, post-doctoral fellows, or were still seeking employment. Many, but not all, graduates were actively seeking tenure-track academic positions. "Other-Related" includes graduates working in fields related to history, including editors, museum staff, historians working for the government or private companies, and secondary school teachers. "Other" includes those who have followed a career path outside history, and includes many in business and law. Please review the list of recipients to see the range of their jobs.
The shape and size of our graduate program has changed in recent years. There are 77 doctoral students currently enrolled in the program, 73 percent of whom receive some form of financial aid and 26 percent are serving as teaching assistants in 2015-16. All students admitted to the program since 2011 are fully funded for five years provided they make adequate progress toward the degree. By reducing the size of our annual cohorts of new students, we have been able to provide better financial support for a smaller number of students so that our program could become more selective, retain admitted students more effectively, and make it possible for students to proceed to the degree more quickly. Eleven students will matriculate into the program for Fall 2015, selected from an applicant pool of 207. As of May 2015, the Corcoran Department of History had conferred 702 PhDs, the first of which was awarded in 1904.
These statistics were compiled by Jenni Via, former Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant, and S. Max Edelson, former Director of Graduate Studies
Analysis of All Placement Results, Calendar Years 1997 – 2015
Updated August 2015
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track | 48.4% | 133
Visiting Assistant Professor | 3.6% | 10
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct | 8.4% | 23
O-R (Other-Related) | 15% | 41
O (Other) | 19% | 52
Post-Doc | 4% | 11
Searching | .6% | 2
Unknown | 1% | 3
Totals: | 100% | 275
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2014 Through May 2015
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Brown, Finger, Hicks, Lashua, Richeson, Turek | 50% | 6
O-R (Other-Related) Bauer, Perkins, Rosenwald | 25% | 3
O (Other) Bibler | 8.3% | 1
Post-Doc McCormick | 8.3% | 1
Searching Ax | 8.3% | 1
Totals: | 100% | 22
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2013 Through May 2014
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Dilbeck, Wilson, LeZotte, Nesbit | 18.1% | 4
Visiting Assistant Professor Ray, Elias | 9% | 2
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Caires, Collins, Kabalek | 13.6% | 3
O-R (Other-Related) Dudley | 4.5% | 1
O (Other) Daniels, Nalty, Stubbendeck | 13.6% | 3
Post-Doc Brettle, Cebul, Grinspan, Otis, Wood | 22.7% | 5
Searching Pierce, Weidner, Luebke | 13.6% | 3
Unknown Stefanelli | 4.5% | 1
Totals: | 100% | 22
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2012 Through May 2013
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Conklin, Martinko, Herrington | 25% | 3
Visiting Assistant Professor Lee, Staller | 16.7% | 2
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Allison, Gilliam, Spencer | 25% | 3
O-R (Other-Related) Jacobs, Nemchenok | 16.7% | 2
O (Other) Stryker | 8.3% | 1
Post-Doc Macekura | 8.3% | 1
Totals: | 100% | 12
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2011 Through May 2012
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Alexander, Chapin, Elmore, Lewis, Lovelace, Wasserman, Phillips | 50% | 7
Visiting Assistant Professor | -- | 0
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Mattes | 14.3% | 2
O-R (Other-Related) Kolar, Kurtz, Wilson | 21.4% | 3
O (Other) Harris | 7.1% | 1
Post-Doc Ohman, Murray-Miller | 14.2% | 2
Totals: | 99.9%[*] | 14
*Total is 99 percent because of rounding off.
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2010 Through May 2011
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Hatter, Hayter, Meyer, Nicoletti, Sawyer, Shelden, Throckmorton, Wongsrichananlai | 66.7% | 8
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Zimring | 16.7% | 2
O-R (Other-Related) Center, Cotter | 8.3% | 1
O (Other) Jones | 8.3% | 1
Searching Eldred | n/a | n/a
Totals: | 100% | 12
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2009 Through May 2010
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Torget, Dean, Meier, Mushal, Nevin | 45.5% | 5
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Gillis, Goff, Stoermer | 27.3% | 3
O-R (Other-Related) Botts, Winslow | 18% | 2
Post-Doc Meyer | 9% | 1
Totals: | 100% | 11
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2008 Through May 2009
Updated May 2013
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Blair, Geraghty, Haberkern, Jackson, Jortner, Martin, Martinez, McMahon | 53.3% | 8
Visiting Assistant Professor Alexander | 6.67% | 1
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Rakove | 6.67% | 1
O-R (Other-Related) Holt, Speiser, Dierkshiede | 20% | 3
O (Other) Stoykovich | 6.67% | 1
Unknown Bridges | 6.67% | 1
Searching Martin | n/a | n/a
Totals: | 100.0% | 15
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2007 Through May 2008
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Gao, Loss, May, Murphy, Nichols, Schermerhorn, Witmer | 46.7% | 7
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Wilson, Matthews | 13.3% | 2
Adjunct Metcalf, Ragosta, Van Cleve | 20% | 3
O-R (Other-Related) Bracken, Haffner, Jorgensen | 20% | 3
Totals: | 100% | 15
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2006 Through May 2007
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Black, Hochstetler, Pierce | 33.3% | 3
Visiting Assistant Professor Muravchik, Reis | 22.2% | 2
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Mooney | 11.1% | 1
O-R (Other-Related) Sribnick | 11.1% | 1
O (Other) Nehls, Vandermeulen | 22.2% | 2
Searching Nehls | n/a | n/a
Totals: | 99.9%[*] | 12
*Total is 99 percent because of rounding off.
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates August 2005 Through May 2006
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Flecher, Hoff, Jennison, Lee, Minton, Riedl, Stokes | 58.3% | 7
O-R (Other-Related) Flemma | 8.3% | 1
O (Other) Bolden, Cuthbertson, Morrissey | 25% | 3
Post-doc Brooks | 8.3% | 1
Searching Brooks | n/a | n/a
Totals: | 99.9%[*] | 12
*Total is 99 percent because of rounding off.
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates January 2004 Through May 2005
Updated May 2013
Type of position | Percentage | Number
Tenured/Tenure-Track Bon Tempo, Schoen, Bynum, Carp, Hohenstein, Morsman, Neem, Celello, Schweinitz, Delnore, Hsieh, Mitchell, S. Murphy, Doody, Drogula, Fisher, Janney, Parkinson, Jennison, Lee | 69% | 20
Visiting Assistant Professor Richards | 3.45% | 1
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Whitener, Morton | 6.9% | 2
O-R (Other-Related) Mattozzi, Thorndike, M. Murphy | 10.3% | 3
O (Other) Ackerman, Bolden, Owens | 10.3% | 3
Totals: | 100% | 29
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates January 2002 Through August 2003
Updated March 2007
Type of position | Percentage | (number)
Tenured/Tenure-Track Campion, Creasman, Dhavan, Diefenderfer, Fain, Hudgins, Froysland, Garver, Ingram, Irons, Jones, LaFleur, Meacham, Morris, Norris, Roth, Sadosky, Sheehan-Dean | 64.2% | (18)
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct Herz, Laub, Norton, Schroer | 14.3% | (4)
O-R (Other-Related) Lee, Sheehy, Vettel | 10.7% | (3)
Post-Doc Sklaroff, Culpepper | 7.1% | (2)
O (Other) Kirn | 3.6% | (1)
Totals: | 99.9% [*] | (28)
* Total is less than 100% because of rounding.
January 2004 (updated March 2007).
Analysis of Placement Results Corcoran Department of History PhD Graduates January 1997 Through August 2001
Updated April 2003
Type of position | Percentage | (number)
Tenured/Tenure-Track | 40% | (34)
Non-TT lecturer/Adjunct | 15% | (13)
O-R (Other-Related) | 28% | (24)
O (Other) | 7% | (6)
Not in the labor market | 3% | (3)
Unknown | 7% | (6)
Totals: | 100% | (86)