Herbert ("Tico") Braun
B.A. Univ.of Pittsburgh 1969
M.A. Univ. of Pittsburgh 1971
Ph.D. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 1983
“’¡Que haiga paz!’: The Cultural Contexts of Conflict in Colombia", in Gustavo Gallón and Christopher Welna, eds., Democracy, Peace and Human Rights in Colombia, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame Press, forthcoming, 2005.
“Aves de corral, whisky, toallas y algo más: Colombia entre el recuerdo y el olvido,” in Revista Numero 38 (2004): Separata Especial. http://www.revistanumero.com/40sepa.htm
“Laureano y Saúl,” UNPeriódico/El Tiempo, Bogotá, March 13, 2004.
Our Guerrillas, Our Sidewalks: A Journey into the Violence of Colombia, 2nd, Expanded Edition, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.
“At the Center of Things: A Nation from Below,” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Vol. II, Number 3 (Spring 2003), pp. 8-10.
“¿Cómo vivieron los colombianos la Violencia?,” Revista Número, # 35, Bogotá, December 2002-January-February 2003, pp. 72-77.
Cóndores de ayer y de hoy: De cómo recuperar la violencia colombiana, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Nos. 23/24, 2002, pp. 15-23.
“Populazos, populitos, populismos,” in Guy Hermet, Soledad Loaeza, and Jean-Francois Prud’homme, eds., Del populismo de los antiguos al populismo de los modernos, México, El Colegio de México, 2001, pp. 251-274.
“¿Que pasó con los intelectuales colombianos?” Revista Número, # 31, Bogotá, November-December, 2001, pp. 23-26.
“Los americanos y el Plan Colombia,” Coyuntura Política, Bogotá, 2001.
“Colombia, ¿Mucha nación?” in Revista Número, # 29, Bogotá, June-July 2001, pp. 70-73.
“Honor, amnesia, maldad y reconcliación en Colombia,” in Revista Foro, No. 39, Bogotá, September 2000, pp. 41-55. Reprinted in Joan del Alcazar and Sonia Mattalía, eds., América Latina: Literatura e historia ente dos finales de siglo, Valencia, Spain, Ediciones del CEPS, pp. 125-143
"Protests of Engagement: Dignity, False Love and Self-Love in Mexico during 1968," Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 19 # 1 (July 1997), pp. 511-549.
Our Guerrillas, Our Sidewalks: A Journey into the Violence of Colombia. University Press of Colorado, 1994.
El rescate: Diario de una negociación con la guerrilla. Editorial Norma, 1998.
Mataron a Gaitán: Vida pública y violencia urbana en Colombia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1987. Second edition, Editorial Norma, 1998.
The Assassination of Gaitan: Public Life and Urban Violence in Colombia. University of Wisconsin Press, 1986.
"Díaz Ordaz y Marcuse," "Los momentos del 68," and "Te acuerdas del 68?" in Nexos (Mexico City), January 1988, March 1988, March 1989.
"El 9 de abril en Colombia y el 2 de octubre en México: meditaciones metahistóricas a partir de dos momentos coyunturales," in Revista de la Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, May-August,1988.
"Los mundos del 9 de Abril, o la historia vista desde la culata," in Gonzalo Sánchez and Richard Peáranda, eds., Pasado y presente de la Violencia en Colombia.
Fondo Editorial CEREC, 1986.
"Nosotros y los otros: reflexiones sobre la violencia en Colombia," in El Tiempo, (Lectures Dominicales), Bogota, June 22, 1986.
Manliness and Melancholia: Living La Violencia in Colombia, 1948-1958.
Awards and Honors
Research Fellow, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Spring 2004
Horace W. Goldsmith Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities, 1996-1999
Distinguished Service Award, La Sociedad Latina, University of Virginia, 1999
Global Studies for Teachers Award, 1997.
Mónica Vaca Award for Outstanding Faculty Member, La Sociedad Hispánica, University of Virginia, 1995
University of Virginia All-University Distinguished Teaching Award, 1992.
Social Science Research Council/American Council of Learned Societies, Joint Committee on Latin American Studies Research Grant, 1987-88.
Genevieve Gorst Herfurth Award for Outstanding Research in the Social Sciences (book award) of The University of Wisconsin, 1986.
Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship, 1978-80
Social Science Research Council/American Council of Learned Societies, Doctoral Dissertation Grant, 1978-80