Hao Chen
Master of Arts (en route), History, University of Virginia, 2022
Master of Arts (with Honors), International Economics and International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), 2020
Bachelor of Arts, History, Peking (Beijing) University, 2018
Hao Chen is a Ph.D. candidate in history at the University of Virginia. Hao specializes in Cold War international history with a regional focus on East Asia. His specific research interests include China’s ethnic-frontier affairs and foreign relations, the Cold War in the Global South, and North Korea studies. His current project studies the ethnopolitical history of the China-North Korea borderland Yanbian in the mid and late 20th century to examine the interaction between China’s ethnic-frontier affairs and its international relations in the post-WWII and early Cold War periods. He has conducted archival research in dozens of repositories in China, South Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S. He was a visiting fellow at the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University, the Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University in Seoul, Korea, and the Institute for Modern History at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. Hao likes soccer, outdoor sports, and photography. He is also a world traveler in his spare time.
Chen, Hao. Review of Suharto’s Cold War: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the World, H-Diplo, forthcoming.
Chen, Hao. “The Path to Cultural Revolution Turmoil: The CCP, Ethnic Koreans, and the Ethnopolitics of Yanbian (1945-1969).” M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 2022.
Chen, Hao. Review of The CIA and Third Force Movements in China during the Early Cold War: The Great American Dream, Journal of Military History Vol. 85, No. 2 (April 2021).
Chen, Hao. "'One Arch Enemy' or 'Two-Fold Danger': The Failed Alliance in Non-Communist Asia." SAIS China Studies Review, Vol 6 (2020).
Chen, Hao. "China's 'Fragmented Authoritarianism 2.0' in the Social Media Age." SAIS Perspectives, 2019 Issue.
Awards and Honors
Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant (American Historical Association) 2023
East and Inner Asia Council Small Grants (Association for Asian Studies) 2023
Dumas Malone Graduate Research Fellowship (University of Virginia) 2023
MOU-IFES North Korean Studies Fellowship (Ministry of Unification, Republic of Korea) 2023
Graduate Global Research Fellowship (University of Virginia) 2022-2023
East Asia Center Travel Grants (University of Virginia) 2022-2023
Raven Fellowship (University of Virginia Raven Society) 2022
Classes Taught
Modern China (HIEA 2031)
Russian History Since 1917 (HIEU 2162)
China and the U.S. (HIEA 3323)