Caroline Kahlenberg
Ph.D., History and Middle East Studies - Harvard University
B.A., History - Middlebury College
Refereed Journal Articles
“The Girl with a Bomb in Her Basket: Age, Race, and Jewish Terror on Trial in British-Mandate Palestine” (Jewish Social Studies, 2024)
“The Predicament of a Palestinian Hebraist, 1912-1979,” Jewish Quarterly Review 114:1 (Winter 2024): 141-177.
“How the Locals Grew an Accent: The Sounds of Modern Hebrew in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine,” Jewish Social Studies 28:3 (Fall 2023), 105-142.
“Peddlers and the Policing of National Indifference in Palestine, 1920-1948,” History Workshop Journal 90 (2020), 115-141.
“New Arab Maids: Domestic Work, ‘New Arab Women,’ and National Memory in British Mandate Palestine,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 53:2 (2020), 449-467.
“The Star of David in a Cedar Tree: Jewish Students and Zionism at the American University of Beirut (1908-1948),” Middle Eastern Studies 55:4 (Feb. 2019), 570-589.
“The Tarbush Transformation: Oriental Jewish Men and the Significance of Headgear in Ottoman and British Mandate Palestine,” Journal of Social History 52:4 (Summer 2019) 1212-1249.
“‘The Gospel of Health’: American Missionaries and the Transformation of Ottoman/Turkish Women’s Bodies, 1890-1932,” Gender & History 28:1 (April 2016), 150-176.
Courses Taught
HIEU3501: Modern Jewish History Through Literature and Film
HIEU2101: Ancient and Medieval Jewish History
HIEU2102: Modern Jewish History
HIME2010: Modern History of Palestine/Israel
HIME1501: Israel/Palestine Through Literature and Film
HIST1501: Jews & Humor
HIME2002: The Making of the Modern Middle Eastern
HIME2012: Israel/Palestine 1948
HIME4501: Remembering Palestine/Israel: History, Memory, Method