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History Internship Program
Has anyone ever asked you “So what are you going to do with that History degree?” Have you ever wondered what you’re going to do with your History degree? The History Internship Program (HIP) is designed to help you answer this question.
The knowledge and skills you learn as a History major are highly desirable in a wide range of professions. But the very diversity of careers in which historians flourish can make it hard to envision your own professional path. The HIP is a partnership between the History Department at the Career Center that offers the opportunity to explore some of the many fields where you can apply your abilities to research and analyze, interpret evidence, write and communicate, and consider the diversity of human experience and perspective.
Participants in the HIP pursue a History-focused or History-related internship for 10 hours a week through the UVA Internship Placement Program and enroll in a special History Internships course for major or minor credit during the spring semester.
Application Process
1. Apply for History-designated internships through the Career Center’s Internship Placement Program (IPP)
• Applications for Spring 2025 open October 1, 2024
• Final deadline to apply for Spring 2025 is October 27, 2024
• Internships eligible for the HIP are marked in the IPP internships list, which is updated regularly even after the application window opens.
• Apply HERE, indicating in the application that you would like to be considered for the HIP
2. Enroll in HIST 3559, History Internships when registration opens for Spring 2025
• Counts as one of your required courses for the History major or minor.
• Combines the IPP reflection course Self & Organizations with History-specific explorations through conversations and networking with history professionals, career advisors, and alumni.
• Enrollment by permission. When prompted in SIS, indicate that you have submitted your internship application through IPP and where you are in the application process.
1. IPP ran a second round of internship applications in December or January, can I join the HIP late?
Yes! All students who are accepted for History-designated IPP internships are eligible to participate in the HIP. You should request permission to enroll in the History Internships course as soon as SIS allows after submitting your application to IPP.
2. If I found a History-focused internship outside of IPP, can I still participate in the HIP?
Yes! Self-sourced internships must be approved by IPP director and History, and you must still enroll in the History Internships course. Contact the History DUP to discuss this process.
3. Is there any financial aid if I can’t afford the expenses or time off from work my internship requires?
Yes! HIP participants whose unpaid internships entail expenses or cutbacks to paid employment would prevent them from pursuing an internship, may apply for an Internship Stipend through the History department as follows. The following expenses are eligible for an Internship Stipend:
• Transportation allowance, up to $250 (parking, gas, bus fare, taxi, etc.)
• Clothing allowance, up to $250
• Technology/training allowance, up to $250
• Lost wages stipend, up to $500
To apply, contact the DUP in History once you have been invited to interview for or been offered an internship for which financial aid would be necessary.
4. Can I participate in the HIP more than once?
Unfortunately not. The History Internships course cannot be repeated. But IPP welcomes applications from previous internship holders, and we encourage you to explore additional opportunities directly through IPP. Previous HIP participants:
• Can apply for History-designated internships, although new HIP participants may be given priority.
• Should enroll in UNST 3920, since the History Internships course includes UNST 3910.