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Transfer Credit Approval Procedure
For students who declared a History Major in Fall 2021 or later, the Department of History accepts a maximum of three courses taken elsewhere for the major. Students who declared the major prior to Fall 2021 may apply up to four approved transfer courses towards the major. College courses taken as part of a high school dual enrollment program may not be counted towards the major. No transfer courses can be applied toward the Minor in History.
If you would like to apply transfer credit for courses taken at institutions in the United States towards the Major, please fill out the electronic Request for Transfer of Credit Form available on the College website.
For courses taken abroad as part of a Study Abroad program, follow the instructions for completing a Transfer Credit Approval Form on the website of the International Studies Office. Please check the Transfer Credit Equivalencies database before you fill out the form to see if the History course(s) you plan take abroad have already been approved and assigned a UVA equivalent course number. If you can’t find the course(s) in the database, then please send as much information as you can about these course (s) when you submit your form to the Director of Undergraduate Studies. At a minimum, this should include a detailed course description from the catalogue or syllabus, the number of credits the course is awarded by the host institution, and how many hours you will be in the classroom.
International students returning to their home country to study in the summer do not need to complete the study abroad approval process through the International Studies Office. They should submit a standard Request for Transfer of Credit Form through the College.
For any questions about transfer credit for the History major or minor, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For questions about transfer credit in general, non-History transfer credit, or transfer credit towards General Education Requirements, please contact Erin O’Donnell, the College Transfer Credit Evaluator.