Stephen A. Schuker
B.A. Cornell 1959
M.A. Harvard 1962
Ph.D. Harvard 1969
ed.) Die westeuropäische Sicherheit und die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen, 1914-1963. With the assistance of Elisabeth Müller-Luckner. (München: Oldenbourg Verlag 2000).
American "Reparations" to Germany, 1919-33: Implications for the Third-World Debt Crisis. (Princeton: Princeton Studies in International Finance, 1988).
The End of French Predominance in Europe: The Financial Crisis of 1924 and the Adoption of the Dawes Plan (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1976). Paperback edition, 1988. ACLS web edition, 2005.
Old Wine in New Bottles. Review of Christopher Clark's Sleepwalkers. The New Criterion, Jan. 2015.
The Price of Freedom. Review of Adam Tooze, The Deluge. Wall Street Journal, 14.11.14.
"J.M. Keynes et les réparations. Une histoire revisitée," Revue d'histoire diplomatique 129-30 (2015.4, 2016.2), 343-61, 109-24.
"What Historians Get Wrong about World War I," Time Magazine, 1 August 2014.
"Reappraising Herbert Hoover," Library of Law and Liberty (2012)
"The 1919 Peace Settlement: A Subaltern View," Reviews in American History (36/4) 2008, 575-85.
"Round Up the Usual Suspects: The Latest Latin American Debt Crisis," Orbis 47 (2003), 541-59.
"Reflections on the Cold War," Diplomacy and Statecraft 12 (2001), 1-9.
"The Candidacy That Never Was: Owen D. Young and the Presidential Election of 1932," in Kenneth W. Thompson, ed., Statesmen Who Were Never President (Lanham, MD.: University Press of America, 1996), 2:125-44 .
"Europe's Banker: The American Banking Community and European Reconstruction, 1918-1922," in Marta Petricioli, ed., A Missed Opportunity? 1922: The Reconstruction of Europe/Une Occasion Manquée? 1922: La Reconstruction de l'Europe (Bern: Peter Lang, 1995), 47-59.
"Owen D. Young" and "Charles Gates Dawes," in Larry Schweikart, ed., Encyclopedia of American Business History and Biography: Banking and Finance, 1913-1989 (New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1990), 68-77, 482-92. .
"The End of Versailles," in Gordon Martel, ed., "The Origins of the Second World War" Reconsidered: The A.J.P. Taylor Debate after Twenty-Five Years. (Allen & Unwin, London: 1986,1999), 49-72.
"France and the Remilitarization of the Rhineland, 1936," French Historical Studies (1986), 299-339. Abridged Chinese-language version, "The Military and Economic Background of France's Concession Policy in the Rhineland Crisis, 1936," trans. Quan Yi, in The Second World War History Bulletin 10 (1989).
Watch on the Rhine: The Rhineland and the Security of the West, 1914-1950, Now in progress. Political, diplomatic, and strategic study of the Franco-German conflict, conceived in the widest sense, from the debates over World War I war aims through Hitler's remilitarization in 1936, with a final section treating transformation of the West European security problem after World War II.
Awards and Honors
Research fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1998-99
Stipendiat, Historisches Kolleg (Munich), Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft, 1996-97
Secretary of the Navy Senior Research Fellow, Naval War College, 1992-93
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship in International Security, 1987-89.
American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, 1976-77, 1986.
Senior Scholar, Western European Area, Fulbright Commission, 1985.
American Philosophical Society grantee, 1985.
Tauber Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Fellow, 1982.
George Louis Beer Prize, American Historical Association, 1977.