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Ronald G. Dimberg

Associate Professor Emeritus
Korea, Traditional China


B.A. Oregon 1960
M.A. Oregon 1962
Ph.D. Columbia 1970


Publications, Awards, and Activities

The Sage and Society: The Life and Thought of Ho Hsin-yin. University Press of Hawaii, 1975.

Co-editor, Ming Studies: A Directory. Taipei, 1968.

"Ho Hsin-yin: The Sage and Society," in Nothing Concealed: Essays in Honor of Liu Yu-yun. Taipei, 1970.

"Chang Mao," in Dictionary of Ming Biography. New York, 1976.

German Fulbright Commission Grantee, 1984.

Mellon Fellow, Princeton University, 1980.

Director, East Asian Language and Area Center, 1975-1980, 1989-1993.

Director, International Studies, 1993-1998

Fulbright-Hayes Research Grant (Taiwan) 1965-67.

Current Research

Korean Christianity