Everett U. Crosby
Yale University, Bachelor of Arts with honors, 1954
The Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Philosophy, 1959
“The Organization of the English Episcopate under Henry I” (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, IV, 1967), 1-88.
The Past as Prologue. Sources and Studies in European Civilization (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973).
Medieval Studies. A Bibliographical Guide (Garland, 1983).
The Seventeenth-Century Restoration. Sir William Dugdale and his Circle (UVa. Press,1993).
Bishop and Chapter in Twelfth-Century England. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 23 (Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pb. 2002).
Medieval Warfare. A Bibliographical Guide (Routledge, 2000).
“The Subjugation of nature in the development of the medieval hunt and tourney” (Sewanee Medieval Studies 6 (1992), 173-184.
The King’s Bishops. The Politics of Patronage in England and Normandy: 1066-1216 (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013. Pb. 2016).